
Installer App v1.4.8


  • Ever get bothered by notifications for charging on a site you installed? Now you can remove yourself from the Site after you've finished setting things up. This can be done in the Site overview page by clicking the 3 dots and selecting Leave Site.
  • You can pull to refresh direct from the Site overview, meaning you no longer need to exit, and open the page again.
  • New Recent section shown in the Update Existing Sites list, this is kept to 3 sites for now, and updates whenever you make a change to a site. This will make it easier to find recent sites when re-entering the app.
  • We've made it easier to know when new Chargers/Equalizers come online. You can refresh by pulling down in the Site overview page, if any new Chargers/Equalizers have been detected, you will be made aware of that by way of a snackbar message.


  • Changed the check backplate button icon in Tools from an arrow to something more appropraite.
  • Show warning / info if you have chosen to apply UK regulations in the select operator page when creating new sites.
  • Site structure in site overview is now open by default unless you have some pending changes that can be uploaded to the Cloud.
  • Faster, better, stronger and obviously more beautiful.


  • Company roles now included when checking for your permission to make modifications to sites. That means if you have an appropriate company role and that company is linked to the site, you should be able to make changes to the site using the app without having to give yourself a specific site role.
  • Some circuits created in the portal would result in incorrect circuit ids, causing the installer app to crash.