
Easee App v1.1.9

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    Alek Slater
  • on 05-02-2021


  • Timestamps on charge sessions are now displayed in local time and not UTC.
  • Displaying "Waiting for Smart Charge" in the Charger Product Card when charging is paused due to Smart Charging.

NOTE: The Start button to override Smart charging doesn't work at the moment, we hope to fix this as soon as possible. In the mean time you can override Smart Charging by hitting the Start button in the Tibber app.


  • Added support for a new serialnumber format which is now a combination of numbers and letters.
  • Removed charging session id from the Charge Session overview, this will be re-introduced once the session ID is more recognisable.
  • Adjustments to some text styles and icons, some new icons, and various cosmetic fixes.
  • Some tweaks to terminology and language used in various parts of the app.