
Easee App v1.0.1

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    Alek Slater
  • on 14-03-2020

v 1.0.1

NOTE: Some functionality (like schedule charging, pause/resume charging and clear wifi-config) requires firmware versions that has not been released yet. We are still working on those and hope to get them ready ASAP. You can check the firmware version of your charger in Charger Settings / Details.

* Tweaks to onboarding

* Tweaks to product card drag down gestures (Product card movement was wrong compared to finger drag speed).

* Decrease of icon sizes for priority and schedule

* Changed charger standby status title and description

* Swipe between chargers across all sites (This is Defaulted to ON, can be switched off in Preferences).

* Flashing blue lightstripe for charger if its awaiting start with smart charging enabled.

* Clear wifi settings now possible (Requires firmware version v215)

* Schedule charging (Requires firmware version v213)

* Pause / Resume charging in OPEN access mode (Requires firmware version v213)

v 1.0.0

* Remove Charger Wi-Fi network button hidden.

* Connectivity information added to Charger Details.

* Tap charger image / phase diagram or wave animation to toggle phase mode displayed.

* Tweaks to onboarding animations (shimmer animation is no more, and other tweaks).

* Fixed onboarding image aspect ratios, font tweaks.

* Alignment tweaks across the board.

* Enter Wi-Fi network manually.

v 0.6.0

* New icons for cable locked / access level

* Show the access level button as icon when it is disabled, either because of user role or because of non-easee service provider.

* Show partner guide without ability to swap partner if the service provider is not easee, and the user role is such that the user would normally be able to change the level.

* Scheduled charging UI fixed up, with regard to fonts and styling.

* Scheduled charging repeat daily switch is now disabled unless you have a start / end time set.

* Scheduled charging now requires both start time and end time to be valid, you can no longer choose a start time without an end time.

* Scheduled charging hooked up to new APIs.

* Pause / Resume functionality now working, with a pause / resume button for chargers set to open access.

* Paired Partner renamed to Service Provider and moved out of Site Settings into Site Details.

* You can no longer change the service provider at all, only see what it is.

* Site charging price is no longer visible in the app.

* You can no longer see the charge price in Site consumption.

* Onboarding now showing after signup or login, or if you are logged in and you haven't seen it before.

* Replay onboarding button added to Support page

* Configure Wifi in Charger Settings if you are an Admin or Owner of EH chargers, and if you are an Owner of EC chargers.

* Tweaks to error handling of API calls.

* Tweaks to animation in the site page.

* Hamburger menu button a bit bigger now

* Changed start / stop charging button font

* Average consumption info added to site instructions page.

* Fix for site consumption tabs on smaller screens and non-standard text sizes.

* Loads of cosmetic tweaks, alignment and positioning of info on charger card.

* Charger instructions cabled locked section now has 3 items in it, Locked, Always locked and Unlocked.

* Charge price keyboard and text formatting now fixed so its based on the OS region, but its no longer visible, so not relevant.

NOTE Charge Schedule: Charge schedule does not seem to do anything yet, you can set it, but the charger doesn't start.

NOTE Charger Wifi Config: You can get a list of networks and configure it for the charger, but once its set you cannot remove it. Also the stability of this isn't the best, so you might see quite abit of "The charger rejected this command" errors when trying to use it.

v 0.5.3

* Ability to rename your easee keys.

* Contact customer support and i have a suggestion buttons reachable from the support page in Menu.

* Paddings, alignments and fonts fixed up.

* Charger info page / Site info page getting there, but needs some content.

* Tapping the first time consumption hint bubble now closes it.

* Site type now supplied by API and displayed in Charger Settings / Details.

* Adjustments for small screens.

* Systemwide back button now custom.

* App bar fixes in landscape mode

* Charger Offline fixes + tweaks

v 0.5.0

* Add product button in Side menu works again.

* Removed errors / warnings from charger details.

* Product card info has status information now + expandable / collapsible sections [WIP]

* NFC support improved quite a bit on both iOS and Android (Supports more types of NFC tags)

* I Need support and I have a suggestion links added to Side menu.

v 0.4.8

* NOTE: If you end up with 2 android app icons, remove version 0.4.5 or 0.4.2

* Lots of cosmetic tweaks regarding text styles and padding

* iPad support removed from iOS.

* User role for site moved to Site Details

* User role for charger moved to Charger Details

* NFC scanner on android improved to support more versions of Easee Keys.

* Invalid pin / serial error message displayed when adding a product with invalid info.

* Analytics added.

* Errors / Warnings for all the site / chargers showing in Diagnostics.

* Charger warnings no longer displayed in the charger card.

* Charger warnings / Errors removed from Charger Details

* Charger errors a bit more prominent in charger card.

* Available charge current renamed to Limit charge current

* Site details with more information about the site

* New disclosure arrow icon in all cells and buttons.

* Partner guide shown for schedule charging, start/stop, access control

v 0.4.5

* Audio playback is no longer stopped on iOS when the wave animation is shown.

* Add Easee Key via iOS NFC scanner added and improved.

* User role for the Charging Robot shown in Charger Settings (Owner, Admin, User)

* User role for the Charging Site shown in Site Settings (Owner, Admin, User)

* Info button added to Site Settings, with information about the different user roles and what that implies.

* Better error handling for Charging Robot information in Charger Card.

* You can now disable the charging wave animation and show the charging robot whilst charging.

* Account activation following account creation is now done with an activation code instead of an activation link. This is because some telephone operators block SMSs containing links.

* Descriptions added to Phase modes, the selection checkmark has been easeefied.

* Add Product Help Popover now animates between manual/charger image.

* You can now change the site charge price / currency in Site Settings.

* Removed "Level of Access" from Site Settings.

* Charger wiring/grid errors now displayed in charger card, with accompanying red lightstrip to make it clear there's something very wrong.

* Charger wiring/grid errors and warnings displayed in Charger Settings / Details when appropriate.

* Info button with accompanying popup for information added to Available Charge Current page.

* Wave animation when charging will no longer freeze.

* Remove charger from account API now fixed, and required changes in the app done, so people can now remove chargers from their account in the app if they so desire.

* Charger colors in Charger settings now split up into 2 pages, Cover color and Wave color

* Show kW values above the charger during charging when the wave animation is disabled and the robot is showing, WIP

* If you have a non-Easee partner selected, you are not offered the full list of partners, simply a dialog asking if you want to switch to Easee.

* Tweaks to Product Added page, strings localised.

* Certain site / charger setting changes are now persisted in the database, which means if the app is started offline, those changes are reflected in the UI.

* Tweaks to toggle switches

* Activate button displayed in charger card if the charger is disabled.

* Info and signal strength indicators in charger card should no longer disappear.

* Tweaks to tapping targets when the charger card is scrolled up a bit.

* Tweaks to error states that are displayed following a failed sites/chargers request, and you have no sites/chargers.

* Configure Wifi for charger pages completed, but not shown because we are waiting for the APIs.

* If you try to login to an inactive account (101:AccountNotActivated), the app will ask the API to re-send an activation code, and push into the activation page.