Use the same electrical terms in the portal and the app

Site owner

In the portal you write:

Main fuse size
E-mobility fuse
Main fuse limit
Circuit limit (max)
Circuit fuse fallback limit

In the app you write:

Main fuse
Circuit fuse
Circuit rated current
Dynamic circuit limit
Circuit limits

As you can see you don't use the same terminology even though the different terms correspond to same settings in several cases. Please make sure you use the same terminology in the portal as well as the apps.


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Alek Slater

To clarify, some of these names don't correspond to the same things. But yes, we will unify and start using the same names in the portals compared to the apps.

Site values:
Main fuse

Circuit values:
Circuit fuse
Circuit rated current
Dynamic circuit limit
Circuit limits (Max / Fallback)

Charger values:
Max Charger current
Dynamic Charger current (Temporary Charging Current)

Equalizer values:
Main Fuse Limit
Max allocated current (E-mobility fuse)


Site owner

Hi Alek, good to hear from you. Understand, from a perspective of site owner or electrician what matters is the function of the term and that the terminology is consistent across portal, apps, manual, documentation etc. After all, it is electricity we are talking about, not coffee beans.

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