Multi Rate Tariffs

Ashley West

Would it be possible to be able to add multiple charging rates throughout the day? I am on a multi rate tariff with cheaper electric overnight, which isn't always enough to charge my electric work van; unless I stop charging at 5am, adjust the charging price, then restart the charge. To be able to input the charging price hourly, instead of a set price, would be enormously advantageous.


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Alek Slater

Merged with: Set kWh price for ever hour



With newer tariffs these days they are different prices at different times.

It would be useful to set up the cost of kWhs for a day with 30mins intervals. At the moment I can only set one price and it’s rendered the feature useless


Ben Herbert

Could we have the ability to add more than one charging price for people who have a day and night tariff with their energy supplier



With HomeAssistant+Easee integration, I update the charging price every hour to make it equal to the dynamic electricity price of my energy provider. This works great and I can see that the current Charge Price matches the hourly rate. The institution also states the following:

“Price per kWh is used to calculate your consumption in the consumption overview. The price you specify only affects your future consumption data. Previous consumption data will not be changed.”

No problem if it doesn't work retroactively. However, if I load from 14:00 — 16:00, it seems to calculate the entire session at the charging price that applied at the time the loading started. Is it possible to adjust the system and that, as described, the price applies to all future consumption data — including during a charging session?

This is especially needed when kWh price is set per hour and will be even more important once we move to 15 minute kWh prices.


Alek Slater

The current fixed pricing model was never designed to be used in this manner. A session once started has the same fixed price throughout the session, so any further adjustments to price will have no effect on the end result. That is unlikely to change.

However, we are not ruling out alternative ways of keeping a more accurate / dynamic price for charging sessions. More will be revealed in the near future.



Allow different price tariffs to be set and applied for peak and off peak charging



Allow for dual price tariffs, where different prices are set and applied for peak and off peak charging



With new energy tariffs nowadays the cost per kw is different depending on times of the day.

It would be greatly useful to set the cost for the day in 30min intervals or by time slots.

Right now in the app you can only set the day cost. Which is kinda useless right now.


Alek Slater

Merged with: Ability to set Kwh cost by 30min intervals


Alek Slater

Manually/Automatically updating the current fixed price model will not have any effect on sessions that have started, seeing as the price at the time of starting the session is used for the whole session.

We are currently testing another price model that allows multi rate tariffs.

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Jampe Uppgård

I Use my homey to update the price every hour. This is closer to correct but as a charging session span multiple hours the logs seems to only save for when the session started even if you pause and restart like I do for when price is high or whatever else I have as a criteria for pausing.


Jonas Liljehammar

Any progress beeing made here? I'm just about to bill for the last three months of 2024 and will have to go through all charging sessions to find all peak hour (06-22) charging on our site manually.



I agree with all the other voters for sure. But the question is why stop there. The electric market offers hourly tariff and Nordpool has an open API so I guess it would be even more great to be able to insert the area code and the price is automatically updated from Nordpool?


Jonas Liljehammar

I would really, really appreciate this. A site I manage has higher daytime rates during winter months and even though we schedule charging to be done at the cheap hours the users can force charging at other times if they need. And I have to manually handle the "peak hour" charging when I make the bills. I'd be happy to beta test if needed.


Alek Slater

Merged with: Different tariff options


Jonathan Robbins

Love my Easter charger but I have a day and night tariff - I can only input one tariff into the app. Would be great to be able to input 2 tariffs and select at what times they operate so that I can get accurate records of cost of charging

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Alek Slater

Merged with: Costs per kWh


Jan Ju

At the moment, only one price per kWh can be stored. Some electricity tariffs offer a lower price per kWh at night, so it would be advantageous to be able to specify several prices per kWh with different validity periods in order to determine the correct costs.


Alek Slater

Merged with: Prices per kWh with different validity periods


Jan Ju

At the moment, only one price per kWh can be stored. Some electricity tariffs offer a lower price per kWh at night, so it would be advantageous to be able to specify several prices per kWh with different validity periods in order to determine the correct costs.


Alek Slater

Merged with: Multi Rate tariffs


Ashley West

Would it be possible to update the charging price section to allow for multi rate tariffs? I use my charger for a work EV and I get 5 hours of off peak. However, this doesn't always give me a full charge as unless I stop the charge at 5am, adjust the charging price, then restart I can only charge for 5 hours.


Alek Slater

Status changed to: In progress