Local API's



Currently I have an Easee Charger Lite. I love it, it has a great design, is easily installed and has a ton of possibilities.

I'm currently running my own load balancing setup via Home Assistant as to be able to integrate solar charging, loadbalancing and scheduled charging in one.

For this I send a request to the Easee cloud every 5 seconds to update load balancing while the car is charging. This must incur quite a bill for Easee if more consumers are using your API.

My request is: implement a limited local API that allows some very basic use cases like turning the charger on/off, setting the dynamic circuit limit and maybe RFID authentication (through a webhook)?

This would one: reduce costs for Easee's cloud, and two: provide Easee owners with a fallback should the charger ever become unsupported.


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Is there a statement anywhere where Easee has committed to delivering the local API?


Frank Dallmeijer

As stated above, just a reminder. The request is: implement a limited local API that allows some very basic use cases like turning the charger on/off, setting the dynamic circuit limit.
Tip: do not forget the equalizer.


Patrick Pietersz

Home Assistant official compatibility:
- Enphase *check*
- Volvo *check*
- Easee *sound of crickets*

So what do I do .. setup integration with HACS variant or wait for an official integration? Is there any sign of an ETA? What exactly is in progress?

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Developer From Jokela

Download with HACS. Don't waste your time



I sent direct feedback to Easee about this Local API and got response:
We are currently working on releasing new products, which is why the lcoal API is lower on our priorisation list currently. Apologies about that. 


Ola Kalberg-Pettersson

Is there a timeline for when this much needed feature might be deployed? Any updates from Easee would be highly appreciated! 😁

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Easee suckz... Sorry but thats it.


David Kurtze

I'm not sure if the manufacturer realises how many sales they are missing out on due to the lack of a local API. In so many groups and forums (home automation and EV), users are currently advising against Easee wallboxes due to the lack of a local API, where there used to be clear recommendations.

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I like that Easee has only a Cloud API and the Cloud API is down again plus in case of Easee's bancruptcy we I can use it as a nice picture on the wall [Ironie Off]. An official statement with a real timeline would be nice as this feature has been postponed several times in the last years. Not how you treat your customers...

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Silvan Reiser

I am SO FED UP right now. The Easee API is down again and my car did not charge during the night.

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I support this! I need this api to integrate it into local systems without internet-connections.
I hope this feature will be deployed soon.

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Waiting for 2 years now... Very disappointing...

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Silvan Reiser

Easee has truly outdone themselves—yet another year has passed without delivering a local API. At this point, waiting for it feels like expecting rain in the desert. But hey, there’s always next year, right? Oh wait… who am I kidding?!

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H Malotira

It is particularly important to me to have the ability to access the Wallbox locally, for example via MQTT. This would enable direct integration into local systems such as smart home applications or energy management solutions without relying on the cloud. Currently, the use of the cloud API is required, which leads to delays, stability issues, and dependencies.

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Wolfgang Weber

Same for me.
@easee: please give us the promised local API!

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Oleg Andrushko

Tonight my charger didn't report correct status through the cloud API and my smart home automation couldn't restrict current flow to the car, so I ended up pulling too much current from the grid and that increased my tier at electricity provider which costs a lot more.
Can't wait for local API access to hopefully avoid such situations in the future.

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Developer From Jokela

+100 Absolutely necessary. In addition to local API, it would seem logical to be a fallback method for example Communication between Easee equalizer and charger.

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Rasmus Gjørret

I simply cant wrap my head around how much people are crying about not having an api for a weekend. Its not like you cant charge your vehicle. So be it, if it wasnt the cheapest hour that day. You probably didnt even have to charge right there any ways. And you still could tho, just not automated. Christ
Been using the cloud api daily for 1,5 year now and i have had none issues. Yearh local api would be great, but Christ, stop whining that much about it.

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Developer From Jokela

The thing is, it's not about whether App is being down or up. If for example a scenario where easee goes bankrupt (I don't say it will, but it can happen, we don't know), there is no servers, no app, no online api.
This effectively renders device functions useless because they require online connection to the server. Especially right now Easee equalizer works only over cloud

Community wants a local API, accessible without internet. Also, if internet outage happens (cell provider fcks up etc), there is a possibility to locally interact with device. And in essence, some.people want the peace of not relying on cloud for their critical parts of life. Even though you don't need the API, may others need and respect the choice to have it.

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Alek Slater

Status changed to: In progress


Wolfgang Weber

@Easee: How about a feedback on that topic?

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Daniel Gloor

I can only agree that this is absolutely necessary.

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Mario Kisslinger

Currently I communicate with cloud api every minute if I want to use smart charging. I'd like to reduce this to 15s interval, but want to be independant from internet too.
Power levels are currently read from inverter via LAN connection. With local API I could be fully independent from the world outside my home.

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Silvan Reiser

Throwback 2022/2023 when we all bought easee chargers because API was on „planned“ status and had 400+ upvotes


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Wolfgang Weber

Any news from Easee on this topic?

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Arne Bödeker

Please local api as soon as possible!

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Plz develop the local API, also for the old chargers. This is mandatory to ensure a stable system. Easee status is green again at the moment, but I still struggle with smart charging with the ease.

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Oliver Klagges


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Simon Schneider

This really necessary to have a stable use for the future!

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I want this too!

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Also for Easee Home please!

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Markus Schürmann

A wallbox is a critical private infrastructure. You have assumed responsibility through the Cloud API to ensure that charging processes can be controlled via the API.
Unfortunately, you are not fulfilling this responsibility sufficiently. Please develop a local API to keep your product alive.

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Stefan R.

A local API is mandatory for a long term purchase like a wallbox, it is a piece of hardware that should work indefinitely and not be solely dependent on some kind of cloud. For solar surplus charging, a local API is essential!

Next time I buy a wallbox, this will definitely be part of my buying decision and I will only recommend products with local API to friends and customers.

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I think you can also reach this goal with the Easee Equalizer?

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That previously was only possible when ‘Easee’ also was the operator. Right now with a different operator I can activate this feature aswell (in Beta).
I haven’t used it since I’m using EVCC for everything. Which is >> then the equalizer (p.s. does the equalizer solar Charging work without cloud API connections?). E.g. I mostly limit my Charger on 1 phase with 20A (3x32A is possible with my net). To overcome the difference between 1x16 and 3x6.
Theoretically I could adapt the ‘Electrical networklimits’ of the Charging location. And potentially change the ‘limit main fuse’ to f.e. 7kW. I assume the charger will then load balance everything and adjust the current of the charger so I can’t use more then 7kW from the grid?

But if the Cloud API goes down again, are you able to adjust those values?

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Silvan Reiser

The Easee Equalizer has very limited features compared to other HEM-Systems. It has its advantages but not in a „professional/prosumer“ context. We are much further than that.

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A whole weekend with a broken API. Thats not really production. Please, please provide a local API!

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Yes, at least allow the users to optionally enable the local API, for those users who need it.

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Please, PLEASE bring finally the local API.

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Please, PLEASE bring finally the local API.

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Same for me, it would be great to access the charger locally. Mybe via MQTT or http so that i can start/stop charging sessions and reduce the charging power so that i can use the powet from my pv without consuming from the grid.

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Christoph Herde

Still problems with cloud API...

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Kim Milde

Something is wrong with the API and i'm unable to change my dynamic charging current. Please please bring me a local api!

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Please, PLEASE bring finally the local API. I bought my two easees because it was promised that a local API will come. But at the moment, cloud isn't working. Good product, but cloud isn't!

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Do it finally.. Easee cloud suckz

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Silvan Reiser

Well, this is fu*ked. A whole weekend being unable to charge with solar surplus kills my energy management for the next week. Thanks Easee

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I also agree with the other comments here. A local API provided by easee is necessary to avoid problems like they exist currently.

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I own 3 easee home wallboxes because I thought they would get the local API. Please implement the local API ASAP as promised so I can use my wallboxes with my own solar charging implementation!

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Horst Droege

This is an important feature to distinguish yourself from all the others and provide the choice to use cloud aor local API. Referring the box is now difficult as several outages of the service happned while the box itself is great.

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Carsten Schlipf

Distinguish? go-E allows to use cloud or local since years.

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Matthias Mau

A local API is urgently needed. It can't be the case that PV surplus charging doesn't work just because a server is down.

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I agree with the other comments here. A local API should be provided by easee now to avoid problems like they exist currently. Might also help easee's image. I wouldn't recommend easee at the moment.

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Florian Maaß

Eine lokale API wäre großartig, um Probleme zu vermeiden, während die Cloud offline ist (insbesondere bei der Verwendung von HEMS wie EVCC).

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Alex Arnoldt

A local API would be great to avoid problems while the cloud is offline (especially when using HEMS like EVCC).

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Reiner Sternitzke

same for me

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Mathias Specht

My easee Home charger runs since 4 years now and it's really annoying that the cloud connection is not reliable as it should be. Countless outages makes solar based charging quite stressful. Additional the throttled/limited API leads to slow control of charging power on cloudy days with the result of higher grid consumption.

PLEASE do implement a local API Access which will sure end those annoying outages / limitations.

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David Rörich

A local API is desperately need for reliability and long-term support of automation. Thank you for making this possible!

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Thomas Johansen

Fully support this request. Please give us local API access.

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Andre Beckemeyer

Hi, I fully support the request for a local API. Reliability would be the biggest advantage for me. When it comes to critical functions like charging my EV, I don’t want to rely on the cloud or a stable internet connection. A local API would ensure that everything keeps working even if the cloud is down.

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Timo Wandtke

Easee Team we need a local API

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Alex Back


Unfortunately, the API has not been functioning for 24 hours, making it impossible to use automations. I use EVCC, and the system works perfectly. Unfortunately, I also purchased the in-house system at the time, which I cannot recommend.

I wish Easee would provide a local API, so there would be no concern about how to efficiently use PV surplus when there are issues with the interface. What is particularly frustrating is that this has been a longstanding issue in the community, but Easee has taken no action so far.

I hope there is a shift in perspective, especially since the API has still not been repaired.

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michael euler

Same here, this is an awfull pitty, easee is not an reliable product. Get a stable solution.

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Dear Easee team,
Please release the local API for Easee Home!
I am not happy with the cloud API due to the regular issues.

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Silvan Reiser

@Easee Team. Please note. We are not unsatisfied because of the outage today. This is an ongoing problem for a long long time. Please take a look at this Airtable and search for Easee Chargers. 75% of the people having Easee chargers are mentioning API problems.

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Carsten Schlipf

Currently your API is down and EVCC.io (after all one of the main reasons, why I bought your charger) is not working at all. And then once it's working you regularly block me because you get too many requests.

Seriously guys! If you are concerned about too many requests, give us a local API and the amount of requests will significantly decrease immediately. Do it! Before I kick out your wallboxes and before I tell more and more people to not buy your cloud API crap.

- A former Easee evangelist, who would love to become a supporter again.

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Carsten Schlipf

And still not working: Who wants two crappy Easee wallboxes or will trade in them for go-e chargers?

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Bodo Menke

Dear Easee team,

You are doing a great job with providing connected chargers to the EV community!

Very well done!
Thanks for your contribution to the world of electric mobility!

One very important point:
You and your product management / product owner should please take a closer look into this feature request and give it a much higher priority! From my POV this should definitely be on your short-term roadmap. I believe it is more than required to be and to stay a strong player in a competitive market.
I am pretty sure you will receive a boost from the community and you would even open doors to new markets: companies or users with non-Cloud policies or integrators who do WB-management on their own. Another benefit is off-loading some traffic from your Cloud API and even having a new selling point: „Works without Cloud - if you want“. You could be as well ahead of a potential legislation requiring non-Cloud functionality of connected devices, which gives you additional advantages.

So, you please do your customers and the community a big favor and make this one of your top priorities.

Many thanks

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d a

WE need this now for Easee Home. The cloud crap does not work

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David Müller

This is very overdue.
We have been waiting for years and all we get are empty promises.
Today's cloud outage once again shows why a local API is so very important.
Why this isn't implemented yet is beyond me.

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Hannes Bitter

I would also love the local API for Easee Home. Please consider it soon. Thank you!

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Heiko Schick (NFear)

Please also make the local API available for easee Home users. We are supporting your product from the very beginning. Driving a Fisker, I am really done with unstable or turned off cloud solutions.

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Wolfgang Weber

I need it for the Easee Home

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Espen Bore Hollund

It’s beyond me why this isn’t yet implemented! I really don’t care if Easee wants to look at my charging data—be my guest! But why burden their servers unnecessarily when there is a clear demand from their user base for a local API? This would also ensure that essential functions remain operational even if the cloud service is down.

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Silvan Reiser

Totally Support this FR since the Cloud API is horribly unreliable. There is no week where the API isn´t banning IP-Pools or API is down. We need this Feature ASAP.
The EVCC Community is starting to be pissed on easee users due to the load of people having problems with easee API.

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Ruben V

I would like to add that home automation should be not be dependant on external services. It should still work when the site is isolated/disconnected.
While I'm writing this comment, the cloud API has issues and I can't change the dynamic circuit limit to a value that allows my car to start charging :(

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Currently the API allows to set a fallback value when the dynamic limit was not set for X minutes.
I’ve set it to 8A (for 3 phase setup).
This might help you a little bit.

Local API would be nicest though :)

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Alek Slater

All the dynamic values reset on reboot btw.
Also, you can change these values over Bluetooth using the app, useful in a pinch like this.

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