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Heya, Currently I have an Easee Charger Lite. I love it, it has a great design, is easily installed and has a ton of...
Different Price for each User (RFID) to get the costs per month of year.
Would it be possible to be able to add multiple charging rates throughout the day? I am on a multi rate tariff with cheaper...
When will Easee charger be talking to Sigenergy Sigenstor? If that not in the pipeline for 2025 we need to use Sigenergy AC...
Add the price for one KWh to invoice. Actual there is only the complete amount listed.
I found out today that the app has a dark mode. Since this is a preference within the app settings many users might not find...
Hi, this hs been suggested before but it would be great if you would add an option for the site admin to let site users have...
In the portal you write: Main fuse size E-mobility fuse Main fuse limit Circuit limit (max) Circuit fuse fallback limit...
Please enable scheduled charging at sites for the end user. Currently this option is limited to the site owner or admin which...
Please add support for kW tariffs and nost just kWh tariffs, i.e. the site measures which chargers contributes to the highest...